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The UK’s Leading Distributor of Consumer Brands
Brands You Know, Distributor You Trust

News & Rewards


Happy Pancake Day from EPE & Brands!

Happy Pancake Day from EPE & Brands!

25th February 2020

A message from the Sales Director: Harrods & Selfridges meetings

Date: 20th February 2020

Last week I had a brilliant opportunity to meet the buyers from EPE customers Harrods and Selfridges respectively with our RSM for the North London area, Nick Garner.

There were lots of positive discussions on how we could further develop our relationship with each company and the products we supply them. It was a great chance to meet Harrods and Selfridges’ buying teams and engage on some exciting conversations on range development, with some amazing new products and helping them increase their SDA sales further.

I look forward to working closely with both Harrods and Selfridges in the coming year.


24th February 2020

A message from the Sales Director: A positive meeting with Sirius & Beko

Date: 18th February 2020

Venue: Sirius Buying Group HQ – Bristol

Earlier this week, I had a brilliant meeting at the Sirius Buying Group Head Office in Bristol with Steve Jones, Commercial Director for Sirius and Philip Fletcher, National Sales Manager for EPE’s strategic brand partner Beko for a yearly review.

We had an open and positive conversation on the how EPE and Beko can support the Sirius Buying Group members further this year and are excited to get those plans in to motion .

I look forward to continuing to work closely with Steve and his team in the future.


20th February 2020

Celebrating Angela Gray, Customer Returns at EPE’s Birthday!

The EPE team celebrated Angela Gray, EPE’s Customer Returns’ birthday today!

Angela manages the returns process at EPE. She always stays positive and upbeat in her role, even when it can be challenging. But she always has a smile on her face and friendly word for anybody who interacts with her; which makes her a joy to work with.

Happy Birthday Angela, we hope you have a wonderful day!

19th February 2020

The EPE team celebrates well-being in the office!

EPE had our first well-being meeting today to give people a chance to talk and discuss matters that affect their well-being at work. As part of that EPE’s Sophie Stead, PA to Noel Pamment very kindly brought in some lovely treats to open our meeting and start off the conversation in a uplifted and positive manner.

Sophie used the Breville Heatsoft Hand Mixer that she won in the an in-office bake off competition at the end of last year to create her delicious cakes for the team.

This handy product from EPE brand partner Breville gently heats cold butter whilst whisking to create the creamiest room temperature butter for baking cakes to cookies. Speeding up the preparation process, with no more waiting around for butter to soften; this product is a must have for home bakers!

18th February 2020

EPE congratulates Guramar Singh Lehl on his great work placement week

EPE would like to congratulate Guramar Singh Lehl on his great work whilst on work placement with EPE last week. He was very enthusiastic and keen to learn more about the company. He worked closely with our accounts team; under the guidance of Amanda Kaur, Finance & Credit Controller to learn the ropes and to gain a broad knowledge of how our accounting team operates.

We were very happy him join our team for his work placement and we wish him all the best in his future endeavours!

17th February 2020

Sales Superstar, Spring Fair: Nick Garner

EPE would like to recognise our Regional Sales Manager for the North London area, Nick Garner, for his extraordinary performance at Spring Fair.

Nick has been named Sales Superstar , because he went the extra mile at Spring Fair and our directors Noel Pamment, Managing Director, Harry Singh, Financial Director and Clive Barstow, Sales Director would like to recognise his brilliant work with his engagement with customers at the EPE stand and being a great team player.

Along with this Nick also won our internal photo competition for our Regional Sales team. The team were challenged to take as many photos of their individual customers shop fronts as part of our customer recognition pledge for 2020.

For all of his achievements, Nick has won a Virgin Experience Days gift card from EPE.

Well done Nick, keep up the great work!

14th February 2020

A message from our Sales Director: New RSM Scotland – Alasdair Noble

I am extremely pleased to announce that we have recruited a new Regional Sales Manager for Scotland, Alasdair Noble.

Alasdair has a positive and enthusiastic approach to sales and I believe he will be a great fit amongst our Regional Sales team. He comes with a wealth of experience from many years in the sales field from a variety of sectors.

I look forward to welcoming him to the team and working with him to grow our Scotland region further.


14th February 2020

Thank you for visiting EPE & Brands at Spring Fair 2020!

It’s #ThrowbackThursday and we’re throwing it back to Spring Fair 2020 last week to thank all our customers for attending the EPE stand.

Over the 6 days we worked closely with our brand partners, demonstrating a wide range of our extensive product portfolio and providing our customers with crucial retail advice and all the latest trends.

It was an inspiring and successful show all around and it was a pleasure to see so many customers new and old!

We look forward to returning to the NEC for Autumn Fair 2020 on 5th – 9th September, Hall 18, stand 18E30-F31

13th February 2019

EPE congratulate customer Jarrold of Norwich on 250th anniversary & GIA award

Its been a brilliant start to the new year for EPE customers Jarrold of Norwich; its their 250th Anniversary and at the end of last year they not only won Best Department Store (Independent) of the year at the Progressive Housewares Awards; they also picked up a Global Innovation Award, for which members of their amazing team will be heading to Chicago later this year to attend the award ceremony, where they will receive their well deserved GIA.

In an interview with Progressive Housewares magazine, Jarrold discuss their big anniversary celebrations which are all themed around thanking their customers and colleagues with a series of promotions and events running throughout the year.

EPE would like to congratulate the team of Jarrold of Norwich for hitting this wonderful milestone and on receiving such a prestigious award. We look forward to continue working closely with the Jarrolds team and building even stronger relationships with them and all of our independent customers now and in the future.

13th February 2020

EPE customer Walkers Mica of Dunoon talk 30 years of business & the key to staying relevant

Recently, EPE customers Walkers Mica of Dunoon sat down with Bira Magazine for their big interview segment to talk about running a destination independent DIY and garden store in Dunoon, on Scotland’s picturesque Firth of Clyde for the last 30 years.

Paul and Ian Walker, brothers who now run Walkers’ parents Andy and Madge first started the business in 1980 in the seaside town of Dunoon and by 1990 had expanded it into a DIY and Garden store from which they were looking to expand further to include a coffee shop. Needless to say they were looking for bigger premises when the 1 acre site that now holds Walkers came up as a the United States Navy was moving out of the area.

From there Walkers has grown leaps and bounds from the original store as they stepped away from the trade side of their business to focus on retail. In the interview Paul describes the store as:

“Today Walkers Mica is a home and garden retail store with a coffee shop attached, with a self-storage business also on the site. But the most important thing to us is that Walkers is still run by family, as a family business.”

Both brothers praise Mica’s hand in helping their business prosper; with helping them improve their marketing material to helping them find the best products for the best prices since they joined the group in 2001. On last year’s merger of Mica with Bira, they only had positive things to say:

“Both associations share the same vision, to ensure independent retailers continue to thrive in the long-term and ultimately the potential to seek out new members.”

We at EPE agree wholeheartedly with this statement from Walkers; it is more important than ever to support our independent retailers and we hope to continue working closely with our buying groups and independents to support and build strong relationships with them now and in the future.

Read the full interview in Bira Magazine Jan/Feb 2020 issue.

13th February 2020

Fancy a cuppa? Coffee for thought.

The humble teabag has long since been the staple of the average Brit’s kitchen; with any and every occasion is the perfect occasion for a cup of tea. However with the rise of coffee chains and a booming coffee culture; daily coffee consumption has risen from 70 million cups a day in 2008 to a staggering 95 million cups just over a decade later.

While many still drink instant coffee; this new found love of coffee has paved the way for more and more innovative coffee machines so consumers can replicate that barista-style coffee experience at home, because lets face it – buying a coffee everyday gets expensive very quickly.

EPE brand partners Melitta understand the importance of giving consumers the best coffee experience in their own homes.

Nigel Morrison, Consumer & Trade Marketing Manager for Melitta UK explains: “More & more discerning customers are buying high-tech, quality bean to cup and filter coffee machines that not only fit with the minimal fuss-free design of the kitchen but also deliver great tasting coffee at the touch of a button.

Nigel goes on to highlight Melitta’s Purista Bean to Cup, a slimline and practical kitchen appliance with all the modern conveniences thanks to it aforementioned one touch feature; easy cleaning and LED display. There’s more than one way consumers are getting their caffeine fix. Pour over coffee sets are another brilliant range from Melitta; bringing back traditional handmade coffee making methods for the new generation of coffee consumers looking to take their morning coffee to the next level.

On this Nigel states:

“People are starting to think about coffee more like wine – from the origin of the beans, roasting and perfecting the brew – never has it tasted so good.”

Read the article that inspired this post in Progressive Housewares Magazine – Jan/Feb 2020

Are you looking for that perfect coffee making solution for your customers? Stock up on the Melitta Purista Bean to Cup and the Pour over sets today. Email: or call: 0844 800 8055.

12th February 2020

Nespresso Pod Coffee Machines on the recommended list for 2020

Its only February and the Nespresso Vertuo, XN900840 and the Nespresso Essenza Mini, XN111840 have topped the list for Best Pod Coffee Machine and Best Ground Compact Pod Coffee Machine on The Sun newspaper’s The Sun Selects feature articles for best coffee machines of 2020.

On the Nespresso Vertuo, XN900840; the author of the article highlights the how the Vertuo is one of the best rated coffee machines on the web. Being only 23cm long the Vertuo won’t take up lots of the user’s counter space and can prepare up to 5 different cup sizes of coffee, perfect for all preferences!

On the Nespresso Essenza Mini, XN111840; the author sings the praises of this brilliant compact pod coffee machine. The smallest of the Nespresso range but it still packs a mighty punch. This machine is ideal for smaller worktops as the author states is perfect for taking on weekend trips away, due its compact size. Despite the size it still comes with two programmable settings and has an auto shut off feature.

You can read the full article here:

Interested in becoming a stockist of some 2020’s most recommended Nespresso coffee machines? Get in touch today! Email: or call: 0844 800 8055.

11th February 2020

Beko Coffee Machines top the recommended list for 2020

Less than two full months into the new year and the Beko Bean to Cup CEG5301X and the Beko Espresso Machine CEP5152B have topped the list for Best Bean to Cup and Best Ground Coffee Machine on The Sun newspaper’s The Sun Selects feature articles for best coffee machines of 2020.

On the Beko Bean to Cup, CEG5301X; the author of the article highlights the machine’s ability to remember the user’s favourite drink preference for ease of use and its self cleaning feature as a excellent way to reduce the amount of maintenance to the user. Furthermore, going on to highlight its achievements as a Which? Best Buy product for 2019.

On the Beko Espresso Machine, CEP5152B; the author sings the praises of this amazing quality product at an affordable price point. Furthermore, going on to highlight its ability to make two cups of coffee at the same time as well as a built in steam wand to be able to froth milk barista style for the perfect coffee. Not forgetting that it is pleasantly quiet machine, so the user faces no raucous rumbling whilst waiting for their morning pick me up!

You can read the full article here:

Interested in becoming a stockist of some 2020’s most recommended Beko coffee machines? Get in touch today! Email: or call: 0844 800 8055.

11th February 2020

EPE & Sirius discuss building stronger relationships with UK retailers at Spring Fair

This week at Spring Fair, EPE’s Harry Singh, Operations and Finance Director; Noel Pamment, Managing Director and Clive Barstow, Sales Director caught up with Sirius Buying Group’s Darren Scott, National Business Development Manager when he stopped by the EPE stand during Spring Fair.

They discussed how they could work together to help build stronger relationships with and the importance of earning the trust of UK retailers. Going the extra mile and making sure they were at the heart of what we do as we continue to collaborate with Sirius Buying Group to support independent retailers in the UK.

We look forward to working closely with our buying groups this year and we continue to build on our partnerships with our new and existing customers.

7th February 2020

Shhh…Quiet Appliances: Revolutionising Modern SDAs

Are quiet appliances the key to appealing to the modern consumer?

The sale of consumer appliances, is predicted to exceed £8.4bn in 2020, up from £8.2bn from last year. These appliances are the backbone of the SDA industry, the bread & butter of the appliance sales sandwich. Competition is indisputable, so getting products noticed is a key factor for many retailers. Thus it is important to stock products that really speak to the needs of the modern consumer.

From an article on quiet appliances in Bira magazine (Jan/Feb 2020):

“In a survey of 3000 UK consumers in April 2019, 71% said that how loud an appliance is when used at home matters. The sound of a home technology product is an important differentiator when it comes to purchasing.”

Think about it. How many times have you put the kettle on or set up your coffee machine first thing in the morning to get your daily pick me up and suffered through the raucous sounds of your SDA’s grumbling away? Not the best way to start the day is it? Your customers feel the same way.

Quiet Mark, the International Consumer Champion Award for quiet high performance appliances are taking strides in tackling the UK’s noise pollution problem. The accreditation makes it simple for consumers to find the quietest appliances in every category.

Our new brand partners Melitta have coffee machines that are proudly accredited with the Quiet Mark award and you can become a stockist of both the Barista TS Smart & the CI Touch and help your customers enjoy that morning cuppa with peace and quiet… at least from their coffee machine! Email or call 0844 800 8055 today for more information.

6th February 2020

The EPE team’s dinner with new strategic brand partner, Melitta

Yesterday, the EPE team at Spring Fair had dinner with Paul Feery, Managing Director UK & Ireland, David Price, National Account Manager and Nigel Morrison, Consumer & Trade Marketing Manager for EPE’s newest strategic brand partner Melitta. 

The dinner was a great opportunity for the team to get to know the Melitta team; relax after a successful day at Spring Fair and engage in lots of positive conversation on growing our partnership and looking towards our developing our future together.

The EPE team (Noel Pamment, Managing Director; Harry Singh, Operations and Finance Director; Clive Barstow, Sales Director; Geoff Eden, Country Manager; Billie Gibson, RSM; Simon Dawson, RSM; Nick Garner,RSM with Paul Feery, Managing Director UK & Ireland, David Price, National Account Manager and Nigel Morrison, Consumer & Trade Marketing Manager of Melitta

6th February 2020

The EPE team’s dinner with strategic brand partner, Groupe SEB

Yesterday evening, the EPE team at Spring Fair had dinner with Channel Controller, Stephen Marsh and Account Manager, Alexandra Demers for EPE’s strategic brand partner Groupe SEB. 

The dinner was a great opportunity for the team to catch up with Groupe SEB; relax after a successful day at Spring Fair and engage in lots of positive conversation on building upon the foundations of our existing partnership and looking towards our future growth together.

The EPE team (Noel Pamment, Managing Director; Harry Singh, Operations and Finance Director; Clive Barstow, Sales Director; Sally Bell, Brand Marketing Manager; Geoff Eden, Country Manager; Billie Gibson, RSM; Simon Dawson, RSM; Nick Garner,RSM) with Channel Controller, Stephen Marsh & Account Manager Alexandra Demers of Groupe SEB and the Owner and Chef Giovanni of the restaurant they dined at, Giovanni’s.

5th February 2020

Day 5 at the EPE Stand at Spring Fair!

The team has been busy this morning, making the most of the penultimate day of Spring Fair! Check out some of the photos from this morning at the EPE stand.

5th February 2020

Day 4 at the EPE stand at Spring Fair!

We had a superb fourth day at Spring Fair, with lots of customers on stand, including representatives from our customers Next and Studio. It was brilliant seeing such a brilliant turnout at the EPE stand!

Take a look at some of the photos from day!

5th February 2020

A message from our Sales Director: Sales Meeting with our RSMs

Date: 30 – 31st January 2020

Venue: EPE Head Office

Had a fantastic couple of days last week with all of our Regional Sales Managers at Head Office for our monthly Sales meeting and to prepare ahead of Spring Fair. It was a brilliant opportunity to speak to the RSM’s individually as well as a group. There were lots of positive conversations about the future and I am truly excited to continue the growth and development of our sales team this year.


4th February 2020

The EPE team’s dinner with strategic brand partner, Beko

Yesterday evening, the EPE team at Spring Fair had dinner with National Sales Manager for EPE’s strategic brand partner Beko; Philip Fletcher.

The dinner was a great opportunity for the team to catch up with Beko; relax after a successful day at Spring Fair and engage in lots of positive conversation on building upon the foundations of our existing partnership and looking towards our future growth together.

4th February 2020

Day 3 of EPE at Spring Fair!

Yesterday was another successful day at the EPE stand. We met lots of customers existing and new and it was a wonderful opportunity to showcase our new products and introduce our new brands to the attendees of Spring Fair. Check out some photos from the stand below!

4th February 2020

Smartwares demonstrations at the EPE stand at Spring Fair!

Another new brand we are showcasing this year at Spring Fair is Smartwares; and today we had Sarah Large, Marketing Manager for Smartwares Group demonstrating many of the fantastic and unique products they have such as the Princess Social Dining range; the Byron home security range and Smartwares air conditioners and dehumidifiers.

3rd February 2020

EPE customer Sonic Direct introduced to Melitta at the EPE stand at Spring Fair!

EPE customer Madan Showan of Sonic Direct visited the EPE stand today and was introduced to the wonderful coffee making products from our newest brand partner Melitta by EPE ‘s Sales Director Clive Barstow, EPE’s Regional Sales Manager Simon Dawson, who manages the Sonic Direct account and Melitta’s National Account Manager David Price. Madan received a great coffee demonstration from David whilst being able to enjoy a brilliant coffee from one of the Melitta coffee machines on stand.

3rd February 2020

Successful first days on the EPE Stand at Spring Fair!

Spring Fair is off to a great start for EPE with a successful day on stand; with our excellent sales team ready to speak to customers and introduce them to our amazing new range of products and brands.

3rd February 2020

EPE launch new partnership with Melitta at Spring Fair 2020

We are delighted to announce our new partnership with Melitta!

We look forward to working in partnership with Melitta to bring our customers a wide-range of award winning coffee machines.

Don’t forget, Melitta will be showcasing on the EPE stand at Spring Fair 2020. Join us for a freshly prepared coffee over in Hall 9 Stand 9A20 & 9A21.

31st January 2020

The EPE February 2020 Promotions Brochure Out Now!

The EPE February Promotions brochure is now available in print format and for digital download. 

This edition is packed full of Spring fair special offers, you DON’T want to miss out on!

If you would like to start receiving the Promotions Brochure please contact our sales team for more information on 0844 800 8055 or

For full product ranges please see our semi-annual Buyers Choice catalogue.

1st February 2020

1 day to go till Spring Fair!

Just 1 day to go until we will be exhibiting at the NEC Spring Fair 2020. You can find EPE International and the market leading brands in Hall 9 Stand 9A20 & 9A21.

Don’t forget to grab your free ticket here & we look forward to seeing you between the 1st and 6th February!

31st January 2020

The EPE team is getting the stand together for Spring Fair

Today the EPE team have been busy putting the stand together, ready for Spring Fair and it is coming along nicely. Take a look below for some behind the scenes photos of the build.

We’re excited to welcome customers old and new to our stand and we are incredibly excited to have a whole host of new brands including our new brand partners Melitta. As well as lots of fantastic new products to show at the fair. Be sure to come and find us in Hall 9 Stand 9A20 & 9A21 between the 1st – 6th February!

30th January 2020

The countdown to Spring Fair 2020 is almost over!

Join us on stand for a chat with our friendly sales representatives while indulging in a coffee from our new brand partner Melitta!

Armed with competitive deals across a wide range of premium brands and exclusive products, you don’t want to miss out!

You can find EPE International and our market leading brand partners in Hall 9 Stand 9A20 & 9A21 from the 1st – 6th February 2020.

We look forward to inspiring all customers new and old on the EPE Stand at Spring Fair 2020, NEC Birmingham.

30th January 2020

2 days to go till Spring Fair!

Just 2 days to go until we will be exhibiting at the NEC Spring Fair 2020. You can find EPE International and the market leading brands in Hall 9 Stand 9A20 & 9A21.

Don’t forget to grab your free ticket here & we look forward to seeing you between the 1st and 6th February!

30th January 2020

Get Trendy: On trend styles to look out for in SDA at Spring Fair

With Spring Fair fast approaching and many of our customers out on the hunt for fresh new products to add to their repertoire; we thought it best to give you a crash course on the colours and styles to look out for in SDA this season.

Following on from last year’s go to colour of a chic and minimalist grey; this season neutral tones such as creams, warm grey, black and white continue to lead the way as the core colours consumers are looking for in SDA for their homes. Think the Russell Hobbs Inspire Collection, the Breville Flow Collection or the Beko Retro Microwaves for example. Classic but on trend; so if you’re some styling tips for your store pair your neutral coloured SDA’s with warm, rustic, neutral colours such as mint, pistachio and sage greens, mustard yellows and soft coppery browns.

For those looking to add a pop of colour to their in-store and window displays, have no fear its not all neutral and minimalist. With retro styles making a comeback in the last few years so are richer, luxurious colours, such as royal blues and deep ruby reds and metallic and chrome finishes. Think the Crux range for brushed stainless steel with copper accents and the Tefal Steam Generator Irons that come in a range of luxe colours.

To find out more about this season’s SDA trends, come and visit our stand and talk to our team at Spring Fair at the NEC Birmingham from the 1st – 6th February. To become a stockist of any products mentioned above and more email: or call 0844 800 8055.

29th January 2020

3 days to go till Spring Fair!

Just 3 days to go until we will be exhibiting at the NEC Spring Fair 2020. You can find EPE International and the market leading brands in Hall 9 Stand 9A20 & 9A21.

Don’t forget to grab your free ticket here & we look forward to seeing you between the 1st and 6th February!

29th January 2020

4 days to go until Spring Fair!

Just 4 days to go until we will be exhibiting at the NEC Spring Fair 2020. You can find EPE International and the market leading brands in Hall 9 Stand 9A20 & 9A21.

Don’t forget to grab your free ticket here & we look forward to seeing you between the 1st and 6th February!

28th January 2020

5 days to go till Spring Fair!

Just 5 days to go until we will be exhibiting at the NEC Spring Fair 2020. You can find EPE International and the market leading brands in Hall 9 Stand 9A20 & 9A21.

Don’t forget to grab your free ticket here & we look forward to seeing you between the 1st and 6th February!

27th January 2020

EPE Brand Partner Beko’s MD talks innovation, sustainability & the Cosmopolis range with ERT

EPE’s strategic brand partner Beko’s Managing Director Teresa Arbuckle sat down with ERT magazine to talk about the importance of innovation and sustainability in the future of Beko and introducing the Beko Cosmopolis breakfast range to the SDA market at the end of last year.

Teresa reflected on 2019 as a whole being a prosperous one for Beko; as they launched many new products, won several awards and launched a training programme to help educate independent retailers with product knowledge and advice to help them educate their customers.

She also spoke of highly of Beko’s new SDA range and had this to say on the launch:

“…We recently launched the Beko Cosmopolis range which has a beautiful retro look, and that’s in stores now and has been getting a lot of attention. There are some great colours and finishes, really on trend, so we’ve got high hopes for this range and we’re going to be introducing more ranges in the future too.”

– Beko MD Teresa Arbuckle on the Cosmopolis range

To read the full article see December/ January 2020 edition of ERT magazine

We couldn’t have put it better ourselves, if you’re interested in becoming a stockist of the cosmopolis range contact us today at: or call 0844 800 8055 for more information. For existing customers, head to our trade site to stock the Cosmopolis range today!

24th January 2020

A message from our Sales Director: EPE further invests in RSM team expansion

As part of our growth and further investment into our team I have begun the exciting process of interviewing candidates for our ninth addition to the EPE Regional Sales team; an RSM for Scotland.

Yesterday I met with several fantastic candidates, who were enthusiastic and passionate about the prospect of joining a forward thinking and growing company like EPE.

Further investment in people and teams within EPE is big part of our growth plan for 2020 and I look forward to welcoming the newest addition of our regional sales team in Scotland very soon.


23rd January 2020

Only 1 week left to cast your vote for the IER Awards 2020!

There’s still time to vote for EPE for the Best Distributor Award at the IER Awards 2020.

Cast your vote quick as voting closes on the 31st January 2020!

23rd January 2020

A message from our Sales Director: Euronics Derbyshire Group Meeting

Yesterday I attended the Euronics regional group meeting in Derbyshire with one of our Regional Sales Managers Simon Dawson.

There was a great turnout of the Euronics group members attending the meeting. During my presentation, I had the chance to speak to them about EPE and drive home our focus this year on how we are supporting our independent retailers and buying group members further; giving them a full insight into everything we can offer them, when they work with us.

Simon also delivered a great presentation about our products, the SDA market and how bringing quality, branded SDA to our customer base at the heart of what we do.

The overall environment was very open and positive and a number of the members were keen to schedule meetings with Simon to discuss working with us over the coming weeks.

I look forward to attending many more of the regional meetings across the UK in the coming months and meeting more of our buying group members.


22nd January 2020


EPE International, Belfry House,
Roydsdale Way, Euroway Trading Estate,
Bradford, BD4 6SU
Orderline: +44(0) 844 800 8055
Fax Sales: +44(0) 1274 652573
Fax Returns: +44(0) 1274 657606