Introducing EPE Group’s Company Culture Transformation Team
Meet our Company Culture Team, their mission is to transform and drive the company culture at EPE Group.
We believe that our culture shapes our organisation, it’s the glue that holds the company together. That’s why it is really important to us that we create the best experience for our team and ensure that every single person feels valued with their well being at the core of our values.
As EPE Group evolves so does our culture and with that, we have now introduced our new Company Culture Transformation Team to drive the company and our employees forward.
The team will create a focused programme to transform the workplace and make a positive impact on staff well being. They’ll be meeting often to discuss and feedback on ideas and suggestions from their peers. They will also co-operate, share experiences, knowledge, and support one another. This will elevate enthusiasm in the workplace environment, boost a positive mindset and encourage everyone to thrive and develop their potential within EPE Group.
This is just one of many steps EPE Group is taking to enhance its working environment and make a positive impact on well being and success in the workplace. Watch this space!

From left to right: Jessica Lodge, Buying Associate; Debra Nichol, Customer Service Manager; Patrick Montrose, Warehouse Manager; Jordan Mortimer, Warehouse Manager; Taj Singh, Accounts Assistant; Carol Hughes, Cleaner; Iwona Grabowska, Warehouse Administrator; Sophie Littlewood, Design & Creative Executive
5th October 2021