Important Information for Russell Hobbs Travel Kettle Owners & Retailers
Russell Hobbs has identified that in a small batch of their white plastic 850ml travel kettles, model number 14178. The defect may cause the switch in the handle to overheat and in certain circumstances could result in a fire.
Russell Hobbs has made the decision to recall the model in question.
All other date coded stock of the above model is unaffected.
The model number is located on the underside of the kettle where you will find a rectangular shaped label containing various product manufacturing information.
If you have one of the travel kettles listed above, you will also need to check the batch number (as shown on the below image).

If your batch no. starts with 280 through to 365 and ends with 14 or starts with 001 through to 240 and ends with 15, then you have an affected kettle.
If you have stock of the affected models 14178 purchased from EPE international in your retail outlet or warehouse, please contact EPE International returns on 0844 800 8055 or to arrange uplift and credit.
Please ensure you are only returning stock from the affected batches as credit will not be issued for stock that doesn’t fall within the recall.
End users who have an affected kettle should be advised to stop using it immediately and to telephone the Russell Hobbs customer service department on Freephone 0800 307 7616 (or 0333 103 9663 if calling from a mobile) who will advise on how to return irons for a replacement or full refund of the purchase price.
We would like to thank you for your co-operation and apologise for any inconvenience.
No other Russell Hobbs products or kettles outside of the above codes are affected by this recall.