January 2015 - EPE International - The UK’s Leading Distributor of Consumer Brands | Brands You Know, Distributor You Trust
The UK’s Leading Distributor of Consumer Brands
Brands You Know, Distributor You Trust

Archive for January 2015

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Regional Sales Manager David French Retires after 10 years with EPE International

Regional Sales Manager David French has retired from EPE International, the leading distributor of branded small domestic appliances, after a career spanning 10 years with the company.

Noel, Harry, Geoff and all the team at EPE would like to take this opportunity to wish David a long and happy retirement and extend our most heartfelt thanks for all his hard work through the years.




EPE International, Belfry House,
Roydsdale Way, Euroway Trading Estate,
Bradford, BD4 6SU
Orderline: +44(0) 844 800 8055
Fax Sales: +44(0) 1274 652573
Fax Returns: +44(0) 1274 657606